Our goal is to assist each of our patients in achieving and maintaining long term dental health and a beautiful smile while maximizing patient convenience, comfort, and satisfaction.
Whether you come to us for minor smile enhancements like dental crowns, tooth colored fillings or a more advanced full mouth rehabilitation, our dental office features the most cutting-edge technology, products & procedures to make your smile dreams a reality!
Discover the confidence a brighter smile provides today with our take-home daily whitening treatments.
Dental implants look and feel like your own teeth, and are medically designed to become permanent.
Invisalign® straightens your teeth using a custom-made series of aligners created for you and only you.
Oral health is connected to the health of your body. Maintaining a clean mouth benefits your overall health.
Custom made to replace a person's missing teeth and restore the appearance and oral functions that were lost.
We offer the “TAP” family of appliances for the treatment of snoring and obstructive sleep apnea.
At Advanced Dentistry, we have invested in the latest technology to ensure the best quality dental care you can find in the area, without breaking your budget. Being ahead of the curve in technology improves and simplifies the way we care for our patients’ teeth, resulting in better dental evaluations and treatment decisions.